I pick my battles and social engagements: Monalisha Thakur, Tummoc

We, at Adgully, have always saluted and honoured women managers and leaders across diverse fields. Over the years, W-SUITE, a special initiative from Adgully, has been turning the spotlight on some of the most remarkable women achievers in the M&E, Advertising, Marketing, PR and Communications industry.

In convrsation with Adgully, Monalisha Thakur, Co-founder & CMO, Tummoc, a public transit App, speaks about how she maintains work-life balance as a woman leader and mother, how workplaces are appreciating and empowering working mothers, and much more.

As a woman leader, how do you manage to maintain a work-life balance as a working mom? What tips would you give to other working mothers who are struggling to manage their work and personal life?

As a working mom and the co-founder and CMO of Tummoc, I understand the struggle of balancing work with my personal life. My tip for other working mothers is to prioritise family time and self-care, and communicate those boundaries with your team and family. It’s important to take breaks when you need them, get enough sleep and exercise, and accept support from those around you. Having a great support system definitely helps, and in that department I consider myself very lucky. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey!

How do you deal with ‘mommy guilt’ while working and how do you balance your personal and professional life while being a mother? Can you share some personal experiences?

As a working mom and an entrepreneur, balancing my personal and professional life while being a mother can be challenging sometimes. However, I have learned that dealing with ‘mommy guilt’ involves accepting that it is a natural feeling and reframing my thoughts to focus on the positive impact that my work has on my family. Also, simply giving myself a break and treating myself like a human can make the guilt vanish.

One personal experience that stands out to me was when my daughter had a school performance, and I had an important meeting at the same time. I felt guilty for not being able to attend the performance, but I knew that my work was essential for my family’s growth too! To strike a balance, I made sure that my daughter’s performance was captured on video and then I watched it with her later.

Another tip for balancing personal and professional life while being a mother is to be efficient with my time. I pick my battles and social engagements, and focus on essential tasks to ensure that I am present for my family when I am not working.

Ultimately, it’s about finding what works for you and your family. By setting boundaries, communicating effectively, and accepting that mommy guilt is natural and is sometimes inflicted by other people who aren’t in the same boat as you – it is possible to find success both at work and at home.

Could you share your experience of returning to work after maternity leave? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? What changes would you like to see in the workplace to support working mothers?

Returning to work after maternity leave can be challenging for working mothers. Some of the challenges include the guilt of leaving your child, the lack of flexibility in work schedule, and inadequate support from the workplace. Building a support network, negotiating a flexible work schedule, and having access to on-site childcare facilities and paid paternity leave can help working mothers balance work and family. Let us remember to support and empower working mothers in our workplaces and communities.

How has being a mother impacted your leadership style and decision-making as a woman leader? Have you noticed any positive changes in your leadership skills since becoming a mother?

Being a mother has had a significant impact on my leadership style and decision-making as a woman leader. It has taught me the value of patience, empathy, and effective communication in building strong relationships with team members.

I have noticed that since becoming a mother, my leadership skills have improved. I have a stronger ability to multitask and prioritise effectively. As a mother, I have to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, and this skill has translated well into my professional life, enabling me to manage complex projects and delegate tasks more efficiently.

What steps has your company taken to support and empower working mothers, and how do you ensure that mothers are not discriminated against in the workplace?

At Tummoc, we support and empower working mothers by offering flexible work schedules, and paid paternity leave. We actively promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace and have policies in place to prevent discrimination. We regularly assess our practices to ensure that they are effective in supporting working mothers and provide opportunities for feedback to ensure their needs are addressed.

How can other companies follow suit to create a more inclusive workplace for working mothers? What are the best global practices you have come across in this regard?

To create a more inclusive workplace for working mothers, companies can offer flexible work arrangements, on-site childcare facilities, and paid paternity leave. They should also prioritise a culture of respect and understanding by providing regular training programs on diversity and inclusion and assessing their practices to ensure effectiveness.


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